Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Chart for Each Client

I'm trying to create a chart for each client.
In a DataSet, they are returned in a sorted order like this:
ClientName Month Sales
-- -- --
Client 1 1 500
Client 1 2 100
Client 1 10 900
Client 2 1 100
Client 2 2 200
Client 2 10 800
I'd like to have two charts, Client 1 and Client 2 showing their own
However, so far I get only ONE chart, either a sum, or the first client
group if it's not sum.
I don't think it will take one query per client.
Thanks.I think I got it by browsing some QA here, simply by putting it in a
group's header or footer in a table.|||Yes, that is correct. If you place a chart in a table detail section, every
chart will just get one detail data row (i.e. essentially just one
datapoint) and this is not what you want. Placing the chart however in the
group's header or footer will generate a chart from all the detail rows that
are contained in the current group.
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<> wrote in message
>I think I got it by browsing some QA here, simply by putting it in a
> group's header or footer in a table.

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