Thursday, March 22, 2012

A connection cannot be made to Analysis Services 2005

Please help!

I have been trying to deploy an Analysis Services 2005 cube to a server from a local PC. I have had no luck. This was working yesterday and I cannot work out what might be different. This is the error message I am getting:

The project could not be deployed to the 'qccatsvr1' server because of the following connectivity problems : A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running. To verify or update the name of the target server, right-click on the project in Solution Explorer, select Project Properties, click on the Deployment tab, and then enter the name of the server.

By the way this works on another PC that is set up the same way...the only thing I can see different is the Novell user account I used to log in to the PC.

This is what I have tried so far:

    Checked that the Analysis Services service is running on the server - it is. Check the target server - this is ok. Re-install Analysis Services 2005 - no problems occurred during this Tried all different changes to the security log on in the Analysis Services service - nothing worked. Tried to open the AS solution file from the actual server and deploy - no luck.

So you can see that I am now getting quite frustrated. I know (hope) it is something simple that I have missed.

Does anyone have any ideas/solutions for me.

Thanks in advance!!!


SSAS uses windows authentication exclusively. It will not authenticate using a Novell account, but there should be a setting in your Novell client which controls how the user is logged on to the local machine. It is the local windows account that needs to have administrator priviledges in SSAS in order to be able to deploy a new database.

Were you using the same user account when you logged on to the server and tried to deploy the solution? If you use the same account that was used to install SSAS you should not have any issues.

If you want to deploy a solution from a remote machine on a Novell network you will need to setup a local account on the remote workstation which is set to log on to the local machine when the Novell user logs in and then you will need to set up an identical local account (with an identical password) on the server machine and assign the account on the server to the server administration role in SSAS.


I have setup exactly the same account on the server as the windows username used to logon to the remote PC. The account also has exactyl the same password and has been given full access to SSAS. However this does not work either.

The things that has got me confused is that this user was able to deploy a few days before I posted this thread with no problems...that was without a username and password set up on the server with access to SSAS.

Do you have any aother ideas?


I thought you mentioned in your original post that you were now using a different user account. Which is what made me think that it must be something to do with the Novell account/local account connection.

You could have a look at the following link, it contains information on troubleshooting SSAS connection issues:



Thank-you for your advice. I got onto that document and tried a couple of things. The one that helped the most was the SQL Server Profiler. This showed me what was happening with particular accounts and I was able to change the account permission accordingly.

Everything is now ok.

Thanks again for your help with this one...

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