Sunday, March 11, 2012

8114 error w/db maintenance plan

Running SQL Desktop Engine 2000, sp3. I have a db maintenance plan that I
can initially set up, but when I go back into and hit OK, I get the following
Error 8114: Error converting data type into to tinyint.
This happens whether I make any changes or not. The job fails with the
basic sqlmaint.exe error:
Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM. sqlmaint.exe failed [SQLSTATE 42000]
(Error 22029). The step failed.
Also, when I try to set the amount of time after which to purge backup
files, the field is blank/unpopulated. It should be 'days', 'weeks', etc.
I saw this same issue on some other websites, but no one had an answer. Any
advice? Thanks.
I can't remember what the 8114 error is but the unpopulated
days, weeks, months on the backups was sometimes related to
a missing registry value for the backup directory.
On a default instance, you would add a new string value to:
The new string value is BackupDirectory
The data value for this is the path to your backup
directory. The default would be
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP
On Mon, 27 Jun 2005 11:50:03 -0700, MEB
<> wrote:

>Running SQL Desktop Engine 2000, sp3. I have a db maintenance plan that I
>can initially set up, but when I go back into and hit OK, I get the following
>Error 8114: Error converting data type into to tinyint.
>This happens whether I make any changes or not. The job fails with the
>basic sqlmaint.exe error:
>Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM. sqlmaint.exe failed [SQLSTATE 42000]
>(Error 22029). The step failed.
>Also, when I try to set the amount of time after which to purge backup
>files, the field is blank/unpopulated. It should be 'days', 'weeks', etc.
>I saw this same issue on some other websites, but no one had an answer. Any
>advice? Thanks.

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