Sunday, March 11, 2012

8114 error w/db maintenance plan

Running SQL Desktop Engine 2000, sp3. I have a db maintenance plan that I
can initially set up, but when I go back into and hit OK, I get the following
Error 8114: Error converting data type into to tinyint.
This happens whether I make any changes or not. The job fails with the
basic sqlmaint.exe error:
Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM. sqlmaint.exe failed [SQLSTATE 42000]
(Error 22029). The step failed.
Also, when I try to set the amount of time after which to purge backup
files, the field is blank/unpopulated. It should be 'days', 'weeks', etc.
I saw this same issue on some other websites, but no one had an answer. Any
advice? Thanks.I can't remember what the 8114 error is but the unpopulated
days, weeks, months on the backups was sometimes related to
a missing registry value for the backup directory.
On a default instance, you would add a new string value to:
The new string value is BackupDirectory
The data value for this is the path to your backup
directory. The default would be
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP
On Mon, 27 Jun 2005 11:50:03 -0700, MEB
<> wrote:
>Running SQL Desktop Engine 2000, sp3. I have a db maintenance plan that I
>can initially set up, but when I go back into and hit OK, I get the following
>Error 8114: Error converting data type into to tinyint.
>This happens whether I make any changes or not. The job fails with the
>basic sqlmaint.exe error:
>Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM. sqlmaint.exe failed [SQLSTATE 42000]
>(Error 22029). The step failed.
>Also, when I try to set the amount of time after which to purge backup
>files, the field is blank/unpopulated. It should be 'days', 'weeks', etc.
>I saw this same issue on some other websites, but no one had an answer. Any
>advice? Thanks.

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