Sunday, February 19, 2012

60mil record bounce..

I've recently converted from access to sql and am running into a problem matching records against a massive 60million record table..

The 60mil table consists of nothing more than telephone numbers in a varchar format and I need to compare other tables with this one and tag them as matched..

I am getting a ODBC timeout error and I have set my query time-out to 0..

Why would it call an ODBC driver and why would it timeout? HELP!

**the table is in the same table as my other stuff

any suggestions would be great!Why did you set the time out to 0? Even the best, most efficient queries need some time to work...

Show us your code......|||I assume 0 is the infinite timeout.

60millions rows should'nt really cause a major problem. Do you have appropriate indexes on the table?|||I was assuming 0 was infinte too, but not sure why the error would occur..

It actually happens while querying a view doing a simple Select query joing the two..|||Oh no not views as well. I abs' hate views. When I have to performance fix a SQL problem there is nearly always some terrible implementation of a view somewhere. Like I say have you got decent indexes on the tables involved?|||Actually, no..

It's just a telephone number in a varchar field|||<gulp> what other fields are there in the table, what is the primary key for the table? Is there a clustered index anywhere on the table?|||my question is "you had 60 million records in an access database?" HOW DID THAT NOT CRASH!?!?

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